Dr. Felix Liao is a thought leading bestselling author in oral contributions to medical symptoms and natural wellness. He founded and directs the Whole Health Dental Center in Falls Church, Virginia, created the HolisticMouthSolutions.com website, and has served as the President of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM).
Dr. Liao has thirty-plus years as a holistic/biological family dentist. He holds a Mastership in both the Academy of Dentistry and IABDM. He is board certified by the American Board of General Dentistry, and a certified instructor for Vivos System of Appliances.
Dr. Liao’s professional mission is to show dental and health professionals how to turn their patients’ mouths into an asset that amplifies whole body health rather than a liability that impairs it. He is the author of two groundbreaking books, Six-Foot Tiger, Three-Foot Cage: Take Charge of Your Health by Taking Charge of Your Mouth, and Early Sirens.
Dr. Liao gained international acclaim for having identified “Impaired Mouth Syndrome” as a collection of many medical and dental issues that defy conventional care as rooted in a structurally impaired mouth that can disrupt whole body health by blocking alignment, breathing, circulation, energy, and sleep. His paradigm-busting 3-D jaw diagnostics and WholeHealth approach for epigenetic jaw redevelopment has produced many unexpectedly successful results.
Dr. Liao educates all healthcare professionals worldwide on sleep-airway-mouth-chronic pain-fatigue connections. He also trains and mentors dentists on how to incorporate airway diagnosis and jaw redevelopment into their practice to treat Impaired Mouth Syndrome effectively in his Airway-centered Mouth Doctor (AMD) Training Seminars™.